Monthly Archives: April 2016



The Triceratops is an herbivore dinosaur that had a massive head with long horns.  It lived during the Cretaceous Period around sixty five million years ago. They were very large, around thirty feet in length and nine feet in height with short legs. Most finds of this dinosaur were in the North West of North America including the Dakotas, Montana, and Wyoming. This dinosaur has been put up on the big screen and in different cartoons.

Robert T. Baker

HMNS Dinosaur Mummy CSI
HMNS Dinosaur

Robert T. Baker originally from New Jersey is an American paleontologist who helped shape most of the theories about dinosaurs. He put together the theory that dinosaurs are warm-blooded creatures. Most of his work has been done at Wyoming. He was among the different advisors in the film Jurassic Park. Bakker is also the curator of paleontology at the Museum of Natural Science in Houston.


Paleo Park





Paleo Park is located on 1980 Cheyenne River Rd Newcastle in Wyoming, and was originally a homestead in the late 1800s. Within the 1900s many famous paleontologists would visit the area in search for dinosaurs. The Zerbst Ranch really sprung into dino-finding business in the hands of Leonard and Arlene Zerbst. During the build of their finds lodge Leonard passed away before its opening. His daughter Kris and her husband have continued helping out with the ranch/park. People today still visit the area, and to this day after many generations it’s still in good hands.


A Discovered Mummified Triceratops Named Lane


            Houston’s Museum of Natural Science has produced a very significant permanent exhibit, the Hall of Paleontology. Within this hall stands a near perfect mummified triceratops named Lane. The dinosaur was found within the United States at a ranch in Wyoming. This find has already started to change what the world thought of this dinosaur.

            The near complete dinosaur was found at Paleo Park, Wyoming a ranch passed down through a local family there. Many paleontologists flocked to the area back during the dinosaur craze because it sits on a “graveyard” of many dinosaurs. The park now has a lodge where visitors can view the different finds. The first find was a triceratops that would be named after a granddaughter, Kelsey, and she would make her way to a Children’s Museum in Indianapolis.

The next find was even more exciting than a very complete dinosaur; this one had a lot of skin. Naming this one after a grandson, Lane would share a new perspective of what a real triceratops looked like. The amount of skin and how preserved Lane was is still a great discovery and provides more work for researchers. Safely tucked inside of this museum like the other prehistoric beasts anyone is welcome to come and see the amazing displays they’ve created.

A volunteer veteran at the science museum provided much background on the dinosaur, and some facts about the others.  He first grabbed everyone’s attention by informing how real Lane was, “The dinosaurs here are mounted in a particular way that if the metal rods wrap around the bone holding it up it is a real dinosaur bone. Molds of the real dinosaurs have the rods shooting through.” He also said an advisor of Jurassic Park (Robert T. Baker) is the curator.

He went on to explain Lane’s uniqueness and discovery. “Lane’s skin was not only an important find, but because most of the bone is there paleontologists were able to figure out that their idea of its size and shape was wrong. The body was more of a shorter barrel, and even the tail was different.” Going back to the ranch in Wyoming he talked about their history from going to cattle to a dinosaur ranch was “more profitable”, and how the owner found Lane on a bank “a tall spike was poking up out of the ground.” Lastly he mentioned about Lane having a sister named Kelsey in Indianapolis, and that this hall was one of a kind in the world and not going anywhere.


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Paleo Park


Link Location: “the amazing displays”


Robert T. Baker


Radio Script: Noah’s Law Passed by Maryland Senate & Moving Forward

Monday April the eleventh a proposed drunk driving law was passed in the Maryland Senate and House. The bill was then sent to the desk of Gov. Larry Hogan. The law, which requires ignition interlock devices for drunk drivers, is named after Montgomery County Police Officer Noah Leotta, who was struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver.

The device required is a redesigned breathalyzer test that a driver must take and pass before the vehicle can start. There are different versions of the bills lawmakers are still hoping to work out. One targets all who have been convicted as drunk drivers with a blood alcohol level of .08 or greater. Maryland Gov. Hogan, local leaders, and Officer’s in the state have already spoken out supporting this bill by that it will save further lives. The news is rapidly spreading throughout Maryland. A volunteer EMT for Kent & Queen Anne’s Rescue Squad has mentioned his thoughts. With his own experience on calls he thinks that this new device can help protect the public. In his area it isn’t a daily occurrence, however it could reduce the potential likely hood.

Noah’s Law Passed by Maryland Senate & Moving Forward


Monday April the eleventh a proposed drunk driving law was passed in the Maryland Senate and House. The bill was then sent to the desk of Gov. Larry Hogan who has agreed into signing it. The law, which requires ignition interlock devices for drunk drivers, is named after Montgomery County Police Officer Noah Leotta, who was struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver.

Officer Leotta who was struck by a suspected drunk driver last December in Rockville while he was conducting a traffic stop died of his injuries at the age of twenty four. A 2012 Honda CRV had struck his police cruiser and then him. The driver that police had announced was identified as a forty seven year old man Luis Gustavo Reluzco. He was taken into custody because he was suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Police say results of a blood test and charges are pending as the investigation continues.

The device required is a redesigned breathalyzer test that a driver must take and pass before the vehicle can start. There are different versions of the bills lawmakers are still hoping to work out. One hits only repeated drunk drivers and drivers described as having been excessively drunk that are ordered with these devices in Maryland. The other targets all who have been convicted drunk drivers with a blood alcohol level of .08 or greater. The devices under Maryland’s current law are only required with a level of .15 or more. This was found at nearly twice the state’s legal limit.

Maryland Gov. Hogan, local leaders, and Officer’s in the state have already spoken out supporting this bill. They believe along with others that this would save further lives. The Governor said. “I think this is something that’s really going to help. It’s something there is almost unanimous support for on both sides of the aisle.” The news is rapidly spreading throughout Maryland and locals are even agreeing.

A volunteer EMT for Kent & Queen Anne’s Rescue Squad has mentioned his thoughts. With his own experience on calls he thinks that this new device can help protect the public. In his area it isn’t a daily occurrence, however it could reduce the potential likely hood. As this is only one step to provide better safety in Maryland, it will help.

Crossing the Bay


Maryland officials are pursuing a better future for drivers that cross the Chesapeake Bay by looking into the best possible solutions to decrease traffic, and increase the health on both sides of the shore. The Maryland Senate has already approved a bill to fund a third bay bridge span study in hopes to lead Marylander’s to stronger industries, tourism, and greater education opportunities. This first step to a possible future project may lead to further controversy of bringing an idea to reality.

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge was built to connect both the eastern and western sides of the Bay. Although it has made the travel easier for vacationers, commuters have constantly been affected significantly by traffic. Both sides of the bridge has since expanded their growing areas, housing, employment, and tourism. Keeping this up in time may bring difficulty.

In the 1950s the first bridge was built to handle a minimal amount of traffic, and in the 1970s a parallel span was made to fight the increasing traffic volumes. The future of further traffic increase has continued to worry Marylander’s since then. Between 2004 and 2006 a team was made by Governor Ehrlich to explore possible new bridge locations, but concluded that additional time was needed to continue the study. Since the opening the bridge has made significant impacts.


Official studies have been reported recently that the bridge either has to be replaced, widened, or given a third installment. With any of these actions taken it would then be very expensive. For example it could cost billions to add more lanes. This is what makes further decisions very difficult to make, even maintenance on the old congested spans can empty pockets. The bridge however can still be maintained for the coming years to perform properly.

More than 50,000 cars can cross the bridge each day and as they do they face the waiting toll booths. Operated by the Maryland Transportation Authority prices have recently dropped at the toll and for those in the Bay bridge “Commuter Plan”. If future plans do go underway prices could fluctuate. The bridge has even had a running transportation company for nervous drivers afraid of crossing such a height.

A local resident outside of Kent Island near the area where the 04-06 team studied new possible bridge plans Ryan Porter has traveled quite a bit using route 50 and 301. Enrolled into the commuter plan he thinks the prices are “fair” and “enjoys using it.” However he thinks the idea of another bridge is “not needed” and “unnecessary.” He does think that “the traffic is terrible”, but having a “widened bridge” could make things better.

Others have enjoyed commuting over to the western shore while living near the bridge on the eastern shore to escape the “city life”. However if a new bridge increases more travelers to drive over development will as well increase to continue support. A new plan would have to create a balance for everyone in the surrounding areas. No big actions are taking place now, but Maryland officials are still looking into the matter.






Sam Blyman


Assignment #6

To Build or Not To Build That Is the Question

Controversial plans are moving forward to build a new Dollar General store in Kent County, just outside of Chestertown in the town of Worton. Kent County already has two Dollar General stores, one in Chestertown and the other in Rock Hall. The new store would be at the corner of Highway 297 and Porter’s Grove Road, across from the Park in Worton. Citizens are split on whether a third store would be good for the county. The idea is to include more convenience, job openings, and bigger businesses in the area.

Local residents are seeing this move as unnecessary due to the location and possible affects on other businesses. Locals are also questioning what officials will bring in next, while others outside the area believe it to be the next best thing to happen. The store’s new location is to be across from the park in Worton off route 297, and at the corner of Porter’s Grove road.

Kent County’s Republican Billy Short, born in Chestertown, has been a member of the County Commissioners since May, 2012. He seems to be on the fence about the store. One of his goals has been is to “bring jobs to Kent County”, which a large company like the store should do. On the other hand in a brief meeting on March 22 he questioned “if the usage water and sewer usage rate would even be realistic to the building due to its size”.

A big concern from time to time is how much the water and sewer can handle. Other developers have come across the issue at the same location. The water and sewer department came out with a satisfied agreement pushing it forward.

The most recent Dollar General store built in Rock Hall is still operating, and has not yet harmed other local stores that are still open. Many that were opposed did believe it would harm their standing grocery store. Their new Dollar General store was also conveniently located amongst the other local stores.

The Porter family just outside the busy area commented that “the store has been great, having low prices, and convenience”. Although it may bring in a variety of people, they are fortunate enough to live away from it. Those close to the new buildings location may not be as fortunate.

As this building may be 9,115 square feet, it will be well able to bring in a large crowd. This main road can even be very busy at times which could affect regular, and school traffic. The parking lot for this store has yet to come up, and the waste or trash from the building is another concern area that needs to be addressed.

A safety concern for the people in the store is that the building will have no sprinklers placed. Director Amy Moredock sent an invitation to comment on the plan on March 18. Applications have been placed on file in the Department of Planning, Housing, and Zoning and are available for review.  The planned meeting for those who can attend will be at the County Commissioners Hearing Room at 400 High Street, Chestertown, Maryland on April 7th, 2016 at 3:30 p.m.