Radio Script: Noah’s Law Passed by Maryland Senate & Moving Forward

Monday April the eleventh a proposed drunk driving law was passed in the Maryland Senate and House. The bill was then sent to the desk of Gov. Larry Hogan. The law, which requires ignition interlock devices for drunk drivers, is named after Montgomery County Police Officer Noah Leotta, who was struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver.

The device required is a redesigned breathalyzer test that a driver must take and pass before the vehicle can start. There are different versions of the bills lawmakers are still hoping to work out. One targets all who have been convicted as drunk drivers with a blood alcohol level of .08 or greater. Maryland Gov. Hogan, local leaders, and Officer’s in the state have already spoken out supporting this bill by that it will save further lives. The news is rapidly spreading throughout Maryland. A volunteer EMT for Kent & Queen Anne’s Rescue Squad has mentioned his thoughts. With his own experience on calls he thinks that this new device can help protect the public. In his area it isn’t a daily occurrence, however it could reduce the potential likely hood.

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